I have already mentioned on my about page that everything that was really ordered by our ancestors was not false. here I'm giving some reasons behind some things, which I can't tell in posts as there involved very small logic.

  • The reason behind using turmeric: turmeric is naturally an antiseptic and the antibiotic consists of curcumin.
  • The reason for which people ask not to keep their head in the northside is  India is a northside sloped country as it is lying on northern hemisphere there may be difficulty in blood circulation when slept. [ as when sleeping it's like lying on a slope ]
  • Water in which cow dung is mixed will be sprayed in front of the house so that no bacterial substance or poisonous insects can get into the home
  • bangles are worn by women as the nerves there are connected to the uterus.
  • I have separately made a post for many other things such as Vastu and etc...