2 min read



I'm sure people who were born in an Indian family, grew up or spend some time with their grandparents would surely know some things about the Mythological stories of their religion.

Note: [you can also take this as a disclaimer/preface] this post doesn't encourage any single religion, this post is only about ancient Indian people science and their technology, not to hurt anyone's feelings.

So, let's begin with,

From the starting of the universe till now:

According to science: The universe started from a loud big sound called Big Bang [bigbang theory], Several asteroids brought Oxygen, Nitrogen and some other gases to the earth. The first Living organism was born under the water. Slowly evolved from Aquatic to Amphibian, amphibians to Terrestrial, Terrestrial to Aeriel. Planets are spherical and revolve around the sun in a periodical manner.

According to Indian Mythology: Om Karam [ 🕉️ ] was the starting of the universe even the gods are formed from that sound. God was the one who created the earth and living things. If you want to know that evolution is specifically mentioned in Puranas then, you should see the several forms [ incarnations] of Lord Vishnu.  

Image of 10 incarnations of Lord Vishnu [from]

If we notice the image above, They already said about the evolution of creatures. Fish represents the Aquatic, Tortoise represents the Amphibians, Wild Boar represents small terrestrial animals, Lion represents the Higher Terrestrials and there come to the humans and then humans with weapons[ Parashu Rama ], then the humans with civilisations [  Incarnation of Rama ], then people much more civilised and had an idea of " How to live"[ Lord Shri Krishna ], and when they arrived at the stage of attaining knowledge that is Buddha and finally a completely civilised man [Kalki]. It gives a clear picture that they already found out about the evolution in late ages more clearly than textbooks of nowadays.

Epic stories of Hindhu Puranas

Some most intelligent Netizens of these days were claiming that Puranas are completely false even without knowing the things behind them.

These are simply the exaggerated forms of the truth.

We can say that the person leading there may or may not be a god, but they stated like that. Things like walking on water, flying in the air without any help, teleportation made them unbelievable.

They just added some spices to the real story to make people interested in those stories and so that, people who listen to them can know some morals behind them.

Just think, if you are heard the story of God and a story of a very normal king, in which story you are much interested in..? [ if you believe in God ] that's the reason people made the stories like that. Even thinking of them as gods are not wrong as they are the people who followed dharma and made people live happily they can be thought of as a god. Coming to the technology and their weapons, many proofs are there to say that "nuclear weapons are used in the time of Mahabharath as there is evidence of radioactive substances dating back to that time. You all know that there is a bridge on the Indian ocean built at the time of Rama.

Finally, what I want to say is "Puranas are may be exaggerated but they are not false"